Grow With The Flow!

Take a break to feel good emotionally and physically

Yoga transcends traditional exercise as a total wellness practice, having both spiritual and physical benefits. With historical African and Indian roots, yoga was created by brown and Black people as a tool for growth. 

Consider trying yoga if you would like enhanced:

  • Sleep 

  • Confidence 

  • Flexibility

  • Concentration 

Grow With The Flow! is a series of no-cost, yoga classes provided in partnership with neighborhood wellness businesses and organizations. 

By bringing yoga directly to Philadelphia neighborhoods, Black Girls With Green Thumbs hopes to increase access and visibility, while championing the benefits of a practice well-suited for those overcoming trauma and everyday stressors of urban life. 

Mia leads trauma-informed yoga classes which are better suited to adapt than traditional methods, which focus on the outward appearance rather than inward experience. These adaptations help unregulated nervous systems, emotional well being, and connection of mind and body.

Grow With the Flow! will also integrate breath work, affirmations, and group meditation into each class. 

Developed resources reported on this web page are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number 1UG4LM013724-02. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Upcoming Events!


Vivid Belle 
1543 Dickinson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146

West Oak Lane Library
2000 E. Washington Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19138