Our Year of Yes

Our year of Yes! 

…and no! As Black women, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, business owners, aunts, and partners we find ourselves often in competing and complementary roles. Yet, the roles one occupy does not have to come at a cost to the most important one - you! Identifying and balancing your wants, needs, and desires with your responsibilities requires boundary setting. Set boundaries, unapologetically. Say yes when it feels right, and no when it feels wrong (or right!). Having clarity creates balance. 

One strategy we have continued to employ is planning ahead and sticking with the plan.

Here’s our plan for 2023!: 

Community Wellness Sessions

An annual fundraising initiative that invites community members to invest in their personal wellness, while investing in the future of BGWGT community programs. The series of events are donation-based, community classes. The “pay what you can” model has a suggested cost ($23), but welcomes all regardless of financial status. 

Grow & Walk Philly

A multi-week wellness program focusing on neighborhood greening and walking, designed to improve individual and community health. This project is funded by the Pa. Department of Health’s Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant.

Grow & Walk-A-Thon

The 3rd Annual Grow & Walk-A-Thon is a low profile community walk/run that is ideal for beginners, leisure walkers, and families. Starting at the West Oak Lane Library and ending with a celebratory lunch at the Awbury Arboretum, the walk will get your heart rate up, increase your appreciation for Philadelphia neighborhoods, and connect you to other green thumbs and health enthusiasts. This program is funded by the Pa. Department of Health’s Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant.

They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds Family Wellness Retreat

The 3rd Annual “They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds Family Wellness Retreat” will invite women and children to immerse themselves in a beautiful day of restoration and exploration in the woodlands of Philadelphia. The retreat includes wellness, environmental, and cultural activities for families. Funding for this program is provided in part by a grant from the Philadelphia Black Giving Circle Fund of POISE Foundation. 


Goddess of creation and destruction